Phraseanet is an Open Source Digital Asset Management software distributed under GNU GPLV3 license. You may download it and use it for free. Please read first the terms and conditions here.

    Information about the setup and use of Phraseanet can be found online: View the the official online documentation and get answers on the forums. If you want to develop or customize Phraseanet, we recommend downloading sources from Github.

    Two ways to deploy Phraseanet:

    1. Standard deployment :

    Badge Docker

    2. Deploy with Docker : (preferred method)

    Steps :

    • Download the version, unzip
    • In a terminal, go to directory
    • Download the images needed for the proper functioning of Phraseanet from Docker Hub :

    docker-compose pull

    • Start and install Phraseanet :

    docker-compose up -d

    • All parameters (login, password, admin password, address) are included in the file .env . Ex: http://localhost:8082 . If no Phraseanet configuration file is detected, the Phraseanet container will proceed to an installation with the parameters included in the file .env . See Install-cli


    Phraseanet 4.1.7


      •  Improvement for the Expose client
      •  Automatic keyword translation with the thesaurus
      •  Substitution now available for all subdefinitions
      •  Analytics: Matomo integration
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    All older releases here:

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    Find all our additional plugins on the store:

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