Become a Phraseanet “Certified Partner”!
Click here to view the list of existing Phraseanet partners.
– Bronze and Silver Partnership :
Partners packs will provide you with different training sessions useful to market, demonstrate, integrate and train your own clients on Phraseanet.
– OEM Partnership:
Dedicated to equipment manufacturers, partnerships allows you to take Phraseanet onboard with your equipments, and though create added value to help you be more competitive on market.
– Hosting Partnership :
Interested in building a Phraseanet Saas Platform to host clients? By becoming a certified Partner you agree to provide a high level platform in terms of disponibilty and performances.
Hosting Partnerships are also avalaible as a white brand using Alchemy’s Infrastructure.
Don’t hesitate to contact us, precising your business core, geographical zone, company profile: one of our partnership manager will get in touch with you to study your demand.