The software publisher


    Alchemy is the software publisher of Phraseanet.

    We have an expertise of 20+ years, developing Phraseanet and implementing the solution in many companies with specific and various needs.

    The Alchemy development team is composed by 5 developers, all dedicated to Phraseanet and placed under the management of a technical director who coordinates the product strategy to reflect and anticipate users’ needs relayed by the projects and sales teams.

    Our customers project managers, trainers and technicians will support you through the life of the solution.

    To learn more about Alchemy


    To support the implementation of Phraseanet, Alchemy and its partners offer you a set of accompanying services and service contracts.

    Global Services

    These services cover areas as various as assistance with setup, study (to allow you to have a clear understanding of your needs and their functional translation into the solution), training… Feel free to contact us to learn more…


    The Phraseanet Contract Services do not differ on the functional level. The difference between the contrats is simply related to the level of serice to match the needs of the organization and the scope of the project.


    Phraseanet is also available in Saas offer. Built on a solid hosting infrastructure and proven for many years !

    Our platforms show an availability of 99,99% and are based on the latest generation of equipment. They are built on infrastructures able of meeting the requirements of availability, power and capacity of storage and backups for clients with very high availability constraints.


    Alchemy relies on a network of partners and integrators who are available to accompany you in your Phraseanet project!

    • ACTIVO

    logo-web-transparent black horizontal white

    Activo offers a wide range of services to customers (brands, retailers, agencies, corporate) and vendors.

    For clients, Activo provides digital solutions strategy from RFP, vendor selection criteria analysis, to requirements analysis, metadata and workflows strategies and end-to-end implementation project management.

    Frédéric SANUY is a 25-year expert of the information technology industry, with Digital Asset Management (DAM), Product Information Management (PIM) and Content Management System (CMS).

    To learn more


    Useful resources:


    A designer of the SWYP editorial collaborative system, RIPConsulting supports and advises publishers, agencies, studios, boards, communities for everything related to the optimization of the methods of implementation. Featuring a large field of experience in the print and the digital, RIPConsulting analyses all the processes and offers the implementation of its recommendations.


    Carrick Skills was founded by video professionals willing to provide the best solutions to build and easily manage complex media workflows.

    Learn more:

    • MSI (New Caledonia) brings you its expertise :

    -Assistance to project management (MOA) and project management (MOE) by ensuring the management and management of projects;
    -The drafting of the specifications of your projects;
    -Integration and transfer of skills in the field of dematerialization, electronic document management and electronic

    • INTELLIA (Morocco)

    A publisher of software and information services, Intellia has gained expertise in the field of new technologies which are document management oriented, collaboration, communication and knowledge sharing.

    > How to become an official Partner ? Please view this page:

    Becoming a certified Phraseanet partner.