Release of Phraseanet 3.6 !
Alchemy announces today a major upgrade of their Digital Asset Management solution, Phraseanet. Release 3.6 provides with many new innovating features including the redesign of the “Push” and “Feedback” windows, a new Workzone in Phraseanet Production but also the possibility to archive the Baskets…
Here is the changelog for this release :
- Add a vocabulary link between users and multivalued fields to store resources.
- Push and Feedback redesign
- Add shareable users list for use with Push and Feedback
- WorkZone sidebar redesign
- Add an “archive” flag to baskets
- Add a basket browser to browse archived baskets and bring them back to Production
- New API 1.1, not compliant with 1.0, see release note v3.6
Here is the link to download the new release:
The online documentation : It includes user, developer and administrator manuals :
You may also ask for a free Trial. Please visit :