Release of Phraseanet 3.8.6 !
We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of our Digital Asset Management software, Phraseanet.
You will find the changelog below.
You can download this release from !
-BugFix: Fixes the stories editing. When opening an editing form, the style applied to the notice doesn’t match its selection
-BugFix: Fixes the sending of a return receipt (attributed in the headers of the email) at the export
-BugFix: Fixes the SMTP field in the Administration panel which is pre filled with a wrong information
-BugFix: Fixes a bad mapping of the registration fields on the homepage and the displayed fields in the registration requests in the Administration
-BugFix: In the detailed view, fixes the list of the stories titles which is truncated.
-BugFix: Fixes Oauth 2.0, the authorization of the client applications is not systematically requested when logging in.
-BugFix: When uploading documents, the first status is not taken into account
-BugFix: Fixes the cache invalidation of the status bits icons when changed in Admin section
-BugFix: Fixes the reordering of the media in a basket
-BugFix: Fixes the control of field “name” when creating a push or a feedback
-BugFix: Fixes Oauth 2.0 message when the connection fails
-BugFix: Fixes the suppression of diffusion lists on IE9
-BugFix: Fixes the anonymous download when a user is logged off
-BugFix: Fixes the setup of the default display mode of the collections (stamp/watermark) on a non authentified mode
-BugFix: Fixes the printing of the thumbnails of documents for the videos or PDFs
-BugFix: Fixes the reordering of the basket when the documents come from n different collections
-BugFix: Fixes the application of the “status bits” when the status bit is defined by the task “RecordMover”
-BugFix: Fixes the detection of duplicates for PDF files
-BugFix: Fixes the rewriting of metadatas of a document, when the name space is empty
-BugFix: Fixes the injection of the rights of a user for a connection via Oauth2
-BugFix: Fixes the invalidation of the cache when diassemblying a databox
-BugFix: Fixes the sorting criteria by date and by field, according to users rights
-BugFix: Fixes the right to download for the guest access
-BugFix: Fixes the report generation for the number of downloads and connections
-BugFix: Fixes the memory use of the task for the the subdefinitions creation
-BugFix: Fixes the generation of subdefinitions when editing the subdefinitions task
-BugFix: Fixes the display of multivalued fields in the editing window
-BugFix: Fixes the adding of a term in the candidates which was is not detected as present in the candidates
-BugFix: Fixes the users’ rights when using the API
-BugFix: When being redirected, fixes the add of parameters after login.
-BugFix: Fixes the thumbnails’ size of EPS files.
-BugFix: The “Delete” action of a task (“Record Mover” type) is now taken into consideration.
-BugFix: The edition dates of a record sent back by the API are now fixed
-BuxFix: Writing of IPTC fields is fixed, when setting up a stamp on a media (image type).
-Enhancement: Possibility to adapt a task “creation of subdefinition”, by database and type of document
-Enhancement: Reporting modifications of Flickr & Dailymotion APIs (Bridge feature).
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to overload the name space reserved for the cache
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to deactivate the use of the TaskManager by instance
-Enhancement: Adding an extended format for the API replies. Get more information about Phraseanet records in one API request.
-Enhancement: Adding a block for the help text of Production when no result is displayed to authorize the modification of this text via a plugin
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to deactivate the notifications to the users for a new publication
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to modify the rotation of pictures representing the videos and PDF files
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to serve the thumbnails of the application in a static way for improved performances
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to deactivate the lazyload for the thumbnails
-Enhancement: The tasks can now reconnect automatically to MySQL
-Enhancement: The sorting on the fields “Number” is now possible
-Enhancement: The subdefinition creation task now displays the remaining number of subdefinitions to create
-Enhancement: Adding the date of edition of the media
-Enhancement: Use of http cache for the display of documents
-Enhancement: Adding the possibility to deactivate the CSRF for the authentication form
-Enhancement: Adding a Vagrant VM (for developers and testers). The setup is quicker: development environments made easy.
-Enhancement: Adding a command for the file generation crossdomain.xml depending on the configuration.