Microlearning : Reduce the number of mandatory fields in the registration form
A new Phraseanet tutorial today about the registration form.
Can we reduce the number of mandatory fields?
The answer is yes. But this customization is not possible within the Phraseanet interfaces. To choose the mandatory fields of the registration form, please follow this process:
1- Create the register-fields.php file in the config directory.
2- Insert the following :
< ?php
$arrayVerif = array(
"form_login" => true,
“form_password” => true,
“form_password_confirm” => true,
“form_gender” => true,
“form_lastname” => true,
“form_firstname” => true,
“form_email” => true,
“form_job” => true,
“form_company” => true,
“form_activity” => true,
“form_phone” => true,
“form_fax” => true,
“form_address” => true,
“form_zip” => true,
“form_geonameid” => true,
“demand” => true);
True and false determine the mandatory character (or not) to fill in the fields: if true, the field is mandatory ; if false, it is optional. Important : do not close the PHP tag at the end of file.
We hope that this microlearning will help you customize your Phraseanet system. Feel free to send all your questions on the Google Groups, social networks or for any other request, by email :info@alchemy.fr.