Release of Phraseanet 4.0.3!
A new version of Phraseanet is now available for download! Here’s the changelog that you also can find on Github.
Download it Phraseanet 4.0.3 here.
– Enhancement: Prod | For a record, show the current day in the statistics section of the detailed view.
– Enhancement: Prod | Store state (open or closed) of facet answer. eg: Database or collection, store in session.
– Enhancement: Admin | Access to scheduler and task local menu when parameter is set to false in .yml configuration.
– Enhancement: Prod | Database, collection and document type facets are fixed on top
– Enhancement: Prod | Better rendering for values of exposure, shutter speed and flash status in facets. eg for shutter speed: 1/30 instead of 0,0333333.
– Enhancement: Versions 4 are now compliant with the Phraseanet plugins for Adobe CC Suite.
– Enhancement: White list mode: extending autoregistration and adding wildcard access condition by mail domain. Automatically grant access to a user according to the email entered in the request.
– Enhancement: Find your documents from the colors in the facets (AI plugin)
– Enhancement: Generate a PDF from a Word document or a picture, it’s now possible to define a pdf subview type
– Enhancement: Specify a temporary work repository for building video subdefs, to accelerate video generation.
– BugFix: Prod | In Upload, correct status are not loaded
– BugFix: Prod | Arrow keys navigation adds last selected facet as filter
– BugFix: Admin | Subdef presets, sizes and bitrates (bits/s) not OK
– BugFix: Admin | App error on loading in French due to a simple quote
– BugFix: Prod | Deletion message is not fully readable when deleting a story
– BugFix: Fixing highlight with Elasticsearch for full text only, not for the thesaurus
– BugFix: 500 error at the first authentication for a user with the SAML Phraseanet plugin
– Dev | Fix API version returned in answer
– Dev | Fix vagrant provisioning for Windows