Archive for the ‘Ecosystème’ Category

Phraseanet ecosystem

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

The DAM is a central brick that must be used to feed the whole information system of the company. Phraseanet is a complete solution with its API and its catalog permanently enriched with extensions and addins that allow its interconnection with many applications.

Gallery with the WordPress plugin

Friday, December 17th, 2021

Here an example of gallery from a Phraseanet database using the WordPress plugin.

  • Inserting a media:

An image from a Phraseanet collection


  • Inserting a gallery, grid mode:

Here are all the “JeudiPhoto” (Photo of the week) of 2021 !

The Phraseanet Ecosystem

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

View this article in French here!