Attend our last Phraseanet webinar in French before the summer break! The webinars will resume in September.
It will take place on Thursday, June 11, 2019 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM (CEST).
Photo credit: Thank you EV for illustration / Unsplash
Attend our last Phraseanet webinar in French before the summer break! The webinars will resume in September.
It will take place on Thursday, June 11, 2019 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM (CEST).
Photo credit: Thank you EV for illustration / Unsplash
A new webinar in French will take place on Feb 21. Please visit the French version of this page to register!
Save the date! The next webinar in French will take place on January 17, 2017. Please view the French version of the site to learn more.